A Challenging Management position in which acquired expertise, creative talents and commitment to excellence will have valuable application.
Works as a Head of Program for BanglaVision (Shamol Bangla Media Ltd) (Joined [year-2005] BanglaVision as an Executive from the staring of the this TV station, later on holds the position of Assistant Manager-Program, Program Manager , Sr. Manager Program, AGM-Program and GM-Program).
• Developing, implementing and managing programs (both Fiction and nonfiction) for the TV station.
• Responsible for approving each day’s transmission log of the station.
• Oversees both pre and post productions of the station.
• Regarding transmission related issues, have to act as a bridge between various departments (Like Marketing & Sales/ News and current affairs /Broadcasting) of the channel.
• Outsourcing qualitative TV fiction (drama) and negotiating it with concern Production house, Producers and Directors.
• Working closely with renowned Actor/Actress, Director, Script writer, Singer of the country.
• Organizing countrywide various competitive events.
• Responsible for preparing FPC (Fix Point Chart) for the station.
• Have to act as key analysts for the station regarding MRB provided Data(TRP).